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Brent Page Lab
UBC Pharmaceutical Sciences
At the interface of chemical biology and drug discovery
The Page Lab: Vision and Mission Statements
Vision: The Page Lab aims to be an inclusive and positive space for conducting cutting-edge chemical biology, medicinal chemistry and drug discovery research.
Mission: Employ state-of-the-art chemical biology approaches to identify and optimize targeted small molecule inhibitors for disease-relevant targets. Working alongside our expert collaborators, we aim to bring promising compounds towards advanced pre-clinical and clinical testing.
New and Noteworthy
Our latest publication is available in Metabolites! Included in a special edition around Folate Metabolism! Congrats to all our authorship and collaboration team members!
The 2022 Page Lab Retreat was an epic success! Grateful for the laughs, ideas and teambuilding! (Aug. 2022)

New publication is out in ChemBioChem! Congrats to co-first authors Petar and Danielle! Send me an email to get a print if you don't have access to ChemBioChem! (July 2022)

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